Saturday, May 17, 2008

Seminar Over and Out

The spring semester is almost over (3 cheers!) and that will mark the first full year of life after tenure. (That really deserves its own post--next week maybe, when the year is well and truly over.) My grad seminar came to a great close on Tuesday evening. All the students gave brief presentations of their research papers and lo' and behold, they were all fabulously interesting. They did a great job of interweaving the course readings with their own interests. I've graded the written papers (some are more well-written than others), but I am really impressed with the effort that came through. Final course grades are averaged and ready to post come Monday morning. When class was over, I had a couple students ask if I'd be willing (in one instance) to chair their committee and (in the other) to be their second reader. CEB (who is already my advisee) also decided to go with the thesis project I talked to her about a couple weeks ago. The success and excitement that came out of her research paper on a similar topic must have really helped that decision along. And she is going to be in Oregon this summer for a couple weeks, so she can get started on it right away (which will also really give her a jump on the prospectus process). Plus, I think it's just got all kinds of potential; it's one I'd do myself if I had time. And now, I need to start thinking about the books for my fall seminar...


one art said...

Great achievements!

Anonymous said...

Miss Woo never looked so fabulous! Don't think we'll be taking her to Sex and the City just yet though...:-)

so -- TENURE PARTY!!!??? In advance, you up for drinks this weekend or sumthin?'

Dr. Rock (just call me...)