Saturday, May 9, 2009

And now, spring reception photos--just a few

The exhibit reception held earlier in the semester was private (for symposium-goers only). So I held another reception for the Department, campus community and public. It was small and inexpensive and went quite nicely. It is true that a two week-old showed up and stole the latter part of the "show." But we were all very happy to see her (and her parents, too). These are also iPhone photos--so my apologies in advance.

No, this isn't her mom, it's a disinterested grad student presumably clicking her heels twice as she heads off for Kansas (while fighting baby fever, baby fever, baby fever...just kidding!) [not]


participant-observer said...

not yet... I just love babies... when they belong to others...
It was all I could do not to send that photo off to M-I-L

participant-observer said...

though I am afraid that procreating is the only way people will come to visit.

Though we are very close to Haskell!

auto ethnographer said...

I see your TV/VCR has gone home from the museum. And ACs, too. Yahoo. Leg room under the lab tables:) Thanks!!! And thanks for offering it for the last exhibit. I'm sure we'll be giving a paper together somewhere near, in or about KS, right?