Sunday, April 12, 2009

What a Relief

For a minute there, I thought the interview for tomorrow's candidate for dean of my college was set for 8:30 AM. Wrong, I am ever so happy to announce. Turns out the appointment is at a very civilized 1:30 PM. I was just talking myself out of needing to even see this guy (yes--all 2 [two, II ] candidates are men. I. cannot. contain. my. s.u.r.p.r.i.s.e). Anyway, I now think I can make myself show up afterall. Too bad I teach during Thursday's interview. No real basis for comparison. Probably safe to say that the winning candidate will be the one who looks and acts the most like a good old boy. Please prove me wrong.


Anonymous said...

Oh yea, a very safe bet! One that looks, smells, and acts/talks like a good ol' boy AND who can also kowtow.

Anonymous said...

We are so spot on!