Saturday, January 17, 2009

Note to Self

Quit agreeing to give talks. Just stop it. (As of 1:30 pm, I consider myself to have done enough community service to easily jump through the next hoop in the T&P rounds. I am SURE that I have done more in the last two years than many of my colleagues have done during their entire TT period. In theory this stuff is measured over the life of the review period and not per year. So I have done 5 years worth easily, easily, easily). I think I am just a sucker when groups/people who have helped me with my research want to hear about it. I feel that sense of reciprocity toward fieldwork communities hammering at me, when all I really need to do is say, "sorry, I'm ____," (outta town, busy, have a headache, need to polish the silver, pickle a prune, etc.).Today I made ONE important contact out of this talk, but I'll probably be too busy to follow it up anyway. So...that's three areas of the review for promo that I've got a steel grip on. So, back to the writing. And the aspirin.

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