Sunday, January 27, 2008

And the Semester Officially Begins Tomorrow

Revisiting my to-do list on the last morning of the Winter Break:

Abstract written and submitted.
Hotel and plane reservations made.
Registration paid in full.
Car rental options checked out, in case I decide to take a side trip up the 405. . .
Course web site created and electronically-available reserve readings uploaded.
Held myself back from spending my own good time scanning the 5 articles that are not available electronically and dropped them by the reserve room.
Mini-grant proposal completed and submitted.
Survived first faculty meeting of 2008.
Updated critical portions of the museum website (the rest to come during the month of February, when I am stuck in the gallery 4 days a week).
Sent campus announcement for current exhibit.
Scoped-out two beach rental communities that are much closer than Sea Ranch, and don’t give me that good old morning-sickness-feeling to get to. However, they are way more $$. But, they also have more (and better) shopping than Gualala. Which, frankly, is a huge plus—since even grocery shopping is pretty iffy, and expensive, up there.
Got some reading done that will help with ms. revisions—going after that from noon-6 today. In front of a nice cozy fire. In a quiet house. It just doesn’t get much better than that.

Other good news of last week that has absolutely nothing to do with my to-do list:

A favorite former intern (for whom I have been serving as a job reference) got a fulltime job on campus after months and months of competing against already classified full-timers looking to make lateral moves.
A colleague in the research/archives/library world (for whom I am also a referee) got a new and wonderful job working in the real world on exactly the kinds of issues with which our academic research is concerned. Celebration dinner next month!!
Met with MF-W who is making incredible thesis progress and will finish well ahead of deadlines; we have booked my house for a graduation party following the ceremony—which reminds, me—will the in-laws be flying in, too?

And I voted. Yes, it's a done deal. So you campaign callers can just drop our phone number from your list, because, while mine went in the mail yesterday, two more from this address will be going off tomorrow, and they are identical in the presidential column. Knock yourselves out.

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