Friday, December 17, 2010

3G Kindling....

Thanks to all of you who responded to last week's bleg. Following a week of complete craziness and exhaustion, I finally got around to downloading some content:
  • Eth*icity, Inc. (J/J Comar*ff) $9.99
  • Anthrop*logy & Social Theory (S. Ortn*er) $13.77
  • A Visit from the Go*n Squad (thanks P-O) $9.34 (and I have to add that when I saw that quote on FB credited to "surviving your stupid, stupid decision to go to grad school," I totally thought you were joking; guess he's paying back the student loans on the $ he's making from this book. wow !!)
  • Diamond (thanks Melda:) $6.99 does Jabi know you read this stuff? (jk!!)
* PFNO and Rented Life: MP1 has Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, so I'm going to read that in paperback (the old school way). 


Melda :) said...

Um - yes Jabi knows I read it that is why he dresses up in his cowboy gear ;) j/k Enjoy Diamond - that's my favorite of them all!

P said...

I remember really like the Comar*ff a lot (don't remember title). Sounds like you put together a great list.

I sometimes think I should've gone into your field. Too late for that, I guess.

Unknown said...

I cannot believe that you did not include a "Lust in the Dust" novel among those you purchased! My, my, things have changed...

auto ethnographer said...

P--you would have been good for the discipline, and Somewhere--you are so right. Haven't been a L&D fan for a good 15 years. So sad; but that's what those grad degrees do for you; change your notion of what constitutes reading for pleasure. (I'm sorry to report that reading the last issue of our field's generalist journal--actually every single one since TB took over--has been a pleasure.)

auto ethnographer said...

Okay--that last sentence is not exactly what I meant. I should say that I am happy to report that pleasurable reading now includes the journal, almost cover-to-cover, under his editorship.