Sunday, April 5, 2009

Adventures in Tortillitas and other babblings

Yesterday, being really sick of eating out (isn't it amazing how this is so much fun on the first day of a trip, and then after that it's the LAST thing you want to do?), I poached salmon and made insalata caprese for dinner. While I was out, I also bought all the herbs, veggies, and other seafood (clams/shrimp, etc.) I'd need to make seafood soup for tonight. Then, this morning, while reading the New York Times online, I saw this yummy appetizer (complete with video instructions). I already had everything I needed to make these tortillitas--except the chickpea flour--so back to Whole Paycheck I went.

Now, I'm all set for tonight. But first, I'm going to check out a nearby estate sale and make up a reading quiz for Tuesday. Oh, and the nifty highlighter sharing the frame in this photo? A very clever freebie from the conference (courtesy of the lovely recruiter who had an outreach table next to us). LOTS of historical music/musical performance/musicology MA and Doctoral programs at her university. No jazz, more churchy and classical, so I picked up a flyer for MP1--who at this very moment is probably thinking of doing anything BUT going on for a doctorate. But, I'm sure she'll take the highlighter and brochure off my hands anyway...


P said...

I snagged the same pen from the same institution at a conference in San Diego. Hmm! Recipe sounds delish, too ;-)

auto ethnographer said...

The recipe is indeed delicious, BUT my (unpracticed first) version of it was incredibly unattractive. Not ready for primetime serving at all. BTW, I just came back from an anth conference in which one of my panelists talked about Pocha identity. FASCINATING!! I'm embarrased to say that prior to this, I had not idea what pocha meant.