Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tracking Tricks and Treats

On Monday I sent MP2 a Trick or Treat care package with a Thursday guarantee date. Since we'd had some issues lately with getting a couple vintage Life Magazines (monkeys in space!) delivered in time for the exhibit (they didn't make it until last week--probably more an ebay, than shipping company problem, tho), I decided to check the tracking number for the package this morning. The good news is that it is scheduled to arrive today. BUT, what a circuitous pathway this thing has taken. Starts out in CA city, moves to three different locations within said city, THEN to Louisville, KY, where it moves 3 times within city, and then to 2 locations in Dallas. And finally, it is out for delivery today. A day early. Which is very nice, since Thursday is MP2's hellacious, superlong, dragging around way too many instruments to rehearsals and lessons day. The UPS package will relate well to that.

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