Is this not a gorgeous website and exhibit? I get to see it in person next week, but I am really impressed with this virtual version sent out by SI email this morning.
On other fronts, I have a splitting (splitting!) headache from the crappy air and miserable heat. Yesterday, we realized we have to get some things packed up and sent to Denton, since MP2 leaves for UNT on Sunday. (This really makes me sad, but I am running behind on some projects, so I try to remember the bright side--which is that I'll have a week or two before school starts to really concentrate on these, both of which have August 31 deadlines, though I aim to send one of them off today). At any rate, the two of us went out yesterday afternoon in search of some rather simple things he needs and while we got most of this at the first store, they didn't have everything, so we had to go to two more stores (and shopping centers and big hot nasty parking lots) before we found them. I hate shopping at big box stores, except Target (please mentally insert accent aigu), which is where I should have gone to begin with, because they had everything we needed. Even MP2 was dehydrated and headachy when we got home.
Speaking of MP2, his girlfriend and her "favorite" Aunt drove up from Their City yesterday and we had them over for dinner. This was really fun because Aunt is the eldest of several siblings, and Girlfriend's mother is the youngest (at 40). I guess there is a spread of about 17 0r 18 years between them, but to me and TH and MP2 (who was meeting her for the first time), she was so much like her younger sister that we were floored--same speech patterns, topics of conversation, facial expressions, all of it. To Girlfriend, she is infinitely cooler than her own mom and all that. They also brought a huge bag of freshly picked fruit and veggies from their own garden, including my favorite: heirloom tomatoes. Yum. I think I might start a garden of my own next year. I haven't had one since MP1 was about 7 and we grew watermelons and cantelopes that nearly took over our backyard.
I have a bad headache too :-( I hope we feel better soon!! I'll miss mp2 too, but I think he is excited to get back to work...
How can you see it in person when it says that it ended August 3, 2008? Do you get your OWN showing. Ahhh, lucky you. The image on the page is GORGEOUS!
have fun in DC!
Damn! You are right! I read that in my headachy fog this morning as August 31 and thought, "lucky me." Damn, damn, damn. I was all excited.
Heirloom tomatoes...oh my...
Sorry. They don't have any here yet. The tomatoes I've seen are pretty wan.
MP2's gf's mom is forty??? Good heavens.
I'm afraid to ask just how disgusting the weather it's rainy but fairly cool. Sorry about the headache.
Well, lots of people have kids in their 20s ya know (cough, cough--doesn't make them--what, teen moms...) And 40 is unabashedly old to 18 year olds. Mine yelled at me in complete earnestness the other day when we were watching the Olympics and I had left the room, "Hurry-up Mom, the old lady is gonna smim!" --This in reference to Dara T.
And the weather? Well, it is absolutely not and gross. Rain would be wonderful. Enjoy it while it lasts....
Ooh, I found you some pop-culture Indian-themed stickers today! They were reprints of old matchbook covers. The B greeted them with giggly enthusiasm. I'll have him shove them in your mailbox when we get I expect you'll be on the road by then...
Thanks! very neat.
If you are still in the mood for textiles, the African Art museum has a nice exhibit up through December-
The website isn't nearly as pretty as the NMAI one, much better in person.
Oohh, and the "Contemporary Lives and Identities" exhibit has lots of neat interpretations of traditional weaving incorporating modern materials. Soooo much fun.
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