Saturday, March 22, 2008


Nesting birds at the Galleria

Dinner for six on Thursday night.

This acronym stands for Gone to Texas. When Texas was an outpost of Mexico and then, later, an independent country (but still basically a "frontier" where land speculators and criminals and homesteaders kept regular company with one another), entrepreneurial and outlaw sorts from the Northeast would scrawl GTT on the doors or windows of their shuttered and abandoned homes when they headed south to Texas, to make a new life. Well, we haven't abandoned our home or jobs (yet!), but we have GTT. So far, we've "done" the Galleria in Dallas (I've spent *lots* of time at the Houston Galleria, but never been to the Dallas version--very nice), eaten lots of yummy Texas cuisine--gumbo, barbeque, etc., and have dragged my poor 75-year-old father-in-law all over MP2's campus (he's been a pretty good trooper, I must admit). MP2 and girlfriend (who has *darling* new haircut) seem to be doing really well. Their school lives are so busy that they've barely been off campus. Neither of them had even seen the quaint city square here in Denton, with a classic 19th century Texas limestone courthouse. Last night I drove them past it on the way back to their dorms (from the hotel where we four interlopers from Houston and California are staying) and they were sort of shocked to see that there was a such a cute little music and shopping district within arm's (bike's?) reach (although apparently they had *heard* about "The Square"). Tonight, we celebrate my fa-in-law's 75th birthday, and then tomorrow we have brunch at Hannah's, a little restaurant and wine bar downtown. And then it's back to California and real life. And a load of work. But that's another post.
MP2 points out the lab band ranking page in the Music Building.
No longer a big fish in a tiny pond, he's very happy to have bigger fish
to learn from and be challenged by.

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