Thursday, July 5, 2007

Independence Day

Here are a few scenes from our neighborhood's Fourth of July Parade. Except for the visible (though hardly surprising) absence of teenagers, it was quite the intergenerational gathering, with wheel chairs, strollers, tricycles, bikes, and scooters artfully adorned with flags, balloons, and crepe-paper streamers of red, white, and blue.

My neighbor across the street definitely wins the prize for best decorated bike, while the little fellow below probably had the best-looking tricycle. He lapped the adults several times as they traded notes about everything from the latest home remodeling projects to the best and worst elementary school teachers their kids might expect in the coming school year.

The temperature soared to 107 in the afternoon--NOT the best climate for new car shopping and backyard grilling. No new car in the driveway this morning (my tenure present to myself), but I am definitely honing my short-list. I think I may go ahead and sell my old car now, bank the money, and then drive MP1's (musical progeny 1's) until she comes back from Europe. This will also force me to buy a new car. Speaking of MP1, she has uploaded her first round of pictures. Her digs at Cité look fabulous and she is learning how to get around on the Paris Metro. Also eating lots of bread and cheese and playing lots of cello. A tough life to be sure. We should all be living it for her.

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